Everyone knows that battling IKEA on the weekends are not for the faint of heart (psst, Friday nights are gold--just make sure everyone is well fed before you drag them there). But with a deal like the trestle legs for $20, its so worth it.
I've been pretty obsessed with Facebook online garage sales lately (like OBSESSED) and have been accumulating some great DIY projects because of it. I have 6 enormous vintage window shutters, four of which I made into a headboard for our guest room, but I have two leftover screaming for a spot, perhaps a desk or console?....decisions, decisions.
I put Ikea trestle legs up there with Expedit greatness. They are pretty fabulous for a quick dining table, desk or side table on a budget and the color possibilities make it truly one of a kind.
Makeup table ladies?
Add a few pieces of reclaimed timber and Voila! Instant industrial.

Or you could go as far as to use the butcher block counter top from Ikea for a smoother finish.

Any good Ikea hacker knows to think outside the box. How about install upside down to create a pin-like leg, more legroom, and cleaner storage.

The look can even go a little tradish.

Incorporate multiples for a whole office.

For a fun pop of color, get your spray paint out. I love the mis-matched chairs.

A little faux brass really glams this up. I mean looks like a million bucks!
All images via Pinterest